Branchennews , 16. Okt 2024

Smart Control for Green Hydrogen Ecosystems

Picture: GP Joule

Hydrogen can already replace fossil fuels in many areas today. As the ‘battery of the energy transition’, it makes energy storable and usable in various sectors. The integrated energy supplier GP JOULE produces green hydrogen for use in industry and mobility. The company has now developed the patented ‘hy.runner’ intelligent control system for transporting the green fuel, which makes hydrogen transport more efficient, safer and more environmentally friendly.

Hydrogen logistics companies and producers as well as petrol station operators with their own trailer fleet can benefit from the solution developed by GP JOULE. They can transport the green hydrogen in pressurised cylinders on large trailers between the filling stations at the production site and the withdrawal stations at filling stations or other consumption locations.

hy.runner, the intelligent trailer control system, now makes H2 transport more economical. Individual trailers can be saved thanks to a networked control system. The digital solution also enables detailed planning of the most efficient hydrogen distribution across several collection points.

‘With hy.runner, we have created a universal solution for hydrogen transport that is easy to use, increases efficiency and can be used at all filling locations,’ says Marian Hieke, Head of Engineering at GP JOULE HYDROGEN, who developed the patented solution together with his team.

Less CO2 and lower costs when transporting hydrogen

With GP JOULE's intelligent trailer control system, less energy is used to fill and remove the hydrogen and the residual quantities in the storage tanks are optimally utilised. This saves costs for energy and for the configuration of the systems. The efficient transport even means that individual trailer journeys can be saved. The universal solution also means that less hardware is required at filling and withdrawal locations.

Pioneering work in hydrogen research and development

In a team of software experts, process engineers and automation experts, GP JOULE HYDROGEN developed the intelligent trailer control system in just one year. hy.runner is already being used in the Hy.City.Bremerhaven hydrogen mobility project. There, GP JOULE is working with other partners to establish a regional and climate-friendly hydrogen ecosystem. Hydrogen is transported to a refuelling station in mobile storage units and made available there.

‘We are delighted to be able to offer our customers even better solutions for hydrogen transport with this patent,’ says Melanie Koch, Managing Director at GP JOULE HYDROGEN. ’We have been bringing hydrogen research and development expertise to the road for more than ten years. With hy.runner, the intelligent control system in green hydrogen ecosystems, we are once again demonstrating our pioneering role in this sector, which is so important for the energy transition. ’

Weiterführende Links:

Press release GP Joule

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Selina Stolzenbach
Ihr Pressekontakt

Selina Stolzenbach

Senior Managerin Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Tel.: +49 170 6589188

Rechtlicher Hinweis zur Nutzung

Die Rech­te für die auf die­ser Sei­te ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Bil­der, Tex­te, Au­dio- und Vi­deo­da­tei­en lie­gen, wenn nicht an­ders ver­merkt, bei Zukunft Gas e.V. Die Da­te­ien aus dem Pres­se­be­reich kön­nen mit Quel­len­an­ga­be für die re­dak­ti­o­nel­le Be­richt­er­stat­tung ver­wen­det wer­den. Die Nut­zung bzw. der Ab­druck ist ho­no­rar­frei. Bit­te las­sen Sie uns bei ei­ner even­tu­el­len Nut­zung ei­nen Be­leg zu­kom­men.

Jeg­li­che an­de­re Nut­zung ist nur nach vor­he­ri­ger schrift­li­cher Ein­wil­li­gung von Zukunft Gas ge­stat­tet.

Die be­reit­ge­stell­ten Da­tei­en sind nach bes­tem Wis­sen und Ge­wis­sen er­stellt. Un­ge­ach­tet des­sen über­nimmt Zukunft Gas kei­ne Ver­ant­wor­tung für aus der Nut­zung der Da­tei­en ent­ste­hen­de Schä­den.

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