Branchennews , 10. Okt 2024

Next Milestone in the HyBit Hydrogen Project

Picture: Robert Stümpker

The successful delivery of an electrolyser in Bremen at the beginning of October marked the next milestone for the large-scale HyBit hydrogen project in northern Germany. The joint project between swb, EWE and ArcelorMittal Bremen aims to reduce CO2 emissions in steel production and mark the start of the decarbonisation of the industry.

The delivery took place via heavy goods transport from the manufacturer in Farmsum (Netherlands) to Bremen-Mittelsbüren. The delivery consisted of two separate modules that were joined together on site. The larger module consists of a container measuring 1,250 x 380 x 350 centimetres and weighs around 32 tonnes. This is where the actual electrolysis will take place after commissioning. The smaller, so-called utility container has the dimensions of a 40-foot container (1,219 x 244 x 259 cm) and weighs ten tonnes.

The electrolyser that has now been delivered is the centrepiece for the production of green hydrogen: desalinated water meets electricity from renewable energy sources in the container units. The electrical voltage splits the surrounding water into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis.

Dr Karsten Schneiker, CEO of swb AG, comments: ‘We are delighted with the successful delivery of the electrolyser, which marks the next step in the HyBit project. Thanks to the close and productive cooperation with our partners from politics, business and science, we will soon be able to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in Bremen. This innovative project underlines our commitment to the provision of climate-friendly energy sources in our region, in which the use of hydrogen as an energy source will play a central role.’

Stefan Dohler, CEO of EWE AG, adds: ‘The energy transition will not be possible without hydrogen. On the one hand, conventional energy sources need to be replaced in their function as an energy supplier, but on the other hand, moving away from conventional energy sources also means replacing their function as a basic material in industrial applications with alternatives. Green hydrogen is suitable as an energy carrier and storage medium for renewable energies as well as a basic material in corresponding industrial processes. It is therefore a key to the success of the energy transition.’

Dr Thomas Bünger, CEO of ArcelorMittal Flachstahl Deutschland, says: ‘The decarbonisation of steel production is a long-distance run. For our plant in Bremen, the electrolyser that has now been delivered is another step along the way. After commissioning, we will already be able to use the first hydrogen in our processes. With the planned conversion of production technology in the coming years, we are working with our partners to resolutely drive the transformation forward in order to make climate-neutral steel production possible. The political and economic framework conditions are crucial for implementing rapid decarbonisation.’

The foundation stone for the project was laid at the power plant site in Bremen-Mittelsbüren in April last year. Most of the individual components have now been delivered. The next step is to assemble them into a complete electrolysis plant.

About HyBit

HyBit stands for Hydrogen for Bremen's industrial transformation and marks the start of the decarbonisation of steel production in Bremen. The aim of HyBit is to produce green hydrogen by means of electrolysis at the swb power plant site in Bremen-Mittelsbüren.

This is to be used primarily for pig iron production and processing in the ArcelorMittal Bremen steelworks. In addition, some of the hydrogen produced can be transported flexibly by lorry to other locations, such as hydrogen filling stations.

The HyBit project involves an investment volume of around 20 million euros, ten million of which is subsidised by the state of Bremen.

Weiterführende Links:

Press release EWE

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