Branchennews , 11. Nov 2024

HPS Expands to Austria and Switzerland

Picture: HPS

HPS Home Power Solutions AG, the world's leading provider of year-round electricity storage solutions for buildings based on green hydrogen, is expanding abroad. The Berlin-based company is responding to strong demand from Switzerland and Austria, now offering the picea 2 across the entire DACH region. The latest product generation was introduced at the end of 2023, and the first units of the 2nd generation are already in operation.

HPS is partnering with strong companies that will distribute and install the picea systems in Switzerland and Austria. To ensure a smooth rollout, HPS is currently training its future partners on handling the picea system.

Matthias Holder, CEO of HPS, commented: “We are pleased to have experienced partners at our side to expand our offering into our German-speaking neighboring countries. For seamless sales and installation in Switzerland and Austria, we rely on trusted partners, whom we are specifically training on picea.”

From the first quarter of 2025, the year-round electricity storage systems will be delivered to the German-speaking neighboring countries. HPS is responding to high demand and the photovoltaic boom in these regions: Switzerland alone installed PV systems with a capacity of 1,500 megawatts last year—a market growth of around 40 percent, according to the industry association Swissolar. This increase is not only due to large-scale plants but also countless private installations.

Rainer Gehrung, CFO/CSO of HPS, added: “After introducing picea 2 at the end of 2023, we can now offer the storage solution across the entire DACH region—a major milestone in our expansion journey. Finally, all regulatory hurdles have been overcome, so Swiss and Austrian households can also benefit from picea. We are already working to make picea available in additional European neighboring countries. Our vision is a Europe where households, neighborhoods, and small businesses can be maximally self-sufficient with self-generated power—all year round.”

In Austria, the share of PV in electricity generation has more than doubled since 2022, rising from 0.98 terawatt hours in 2022 to 2.35 terawatt hours in 2023, according to the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology.

As private PV systems often produce more electricity in summer than can be consumed, picea plays an essential role in the energy transition: the system stores excess green electricity long-term, making it usable for the winter. Private households and small businesses benefit from highly independent energy supply, while picea also reduces the load on the electricity grid and supports the energy transition. Conventional battery storage systems cannot achieve this.

With the market launch, building owners in Switzerland and Austria can now benefit from the potential of picea.

About picea and HPS Home Power Solutions AG

HPS is a global leader in developing and producing integrated energy storage systems for buildings based on green hydrogen. With the innovative year-round storage solution picea, the Berlin-based company addresses key areas of the energy transition. The surplus generated by a photovoltaic system on sunny days is stored as green hydrogen and made available as electricity and heat during the dark season. This enables buildings to be supplied with solar energy from their own roof all year round. With picea, HPS has won several prestigious awards, most recently the Handelsblatt Energy Award, the Berlin-Brandenburg Innovation Award, and the Sustainability Challenge of the German Sustainable Building Council.

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Press release HPS

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Die Rech­te für die auf die­ser Sei­te ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Bil­der, Tex­te, Au­dio- und Vi­deo­da­tei­en lie­gen, wenn nicht an­ders ver­merkt, bei Zukunft Gas e.V. Die Da­te­ien aus dem Pres­se­be­reich kön­nen mit Quel­len­an­ga­be für die re­dak­ti­o­nel­le Be­richt­er­stat­tung ver­wen­det wer­den. Die Nut­zung bzw. der Ab­druck ist ho­no­rar­frei. Bit­te las­sen Sie uns bei ei­ner even­tu­el­len Nut­zung ei­nen Be­leg zu­kom­men.

Jeg­li­che an­de­re Nut­zung ist nur nach vor­he­ri­ger schrift­li­cher Ein­wil­li­gung von Zukunft Gas ge­stat­tet.

Die be­reit­ge­stell­ten Da­tei­en sind nach bes­tem Wis­sen und Ge­wis­sen er­stellt. Un­ge­ach­tet des­sen über­nimmt Zukunft Gas kei­ne Ver­ant­wor­tung für aus der Nut­zung der Da­tei­en ent­ste­hen­de Schä­den.

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