Branchennews , 22. Nov 2024

BALANCE acquires a biogas plant in Grasleben

Picture: Philipp Kirschner

BALANCE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH (BALANCE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of VNG AG, has taken over a biogas plant in Grasleben, Lower Saxony (Helmstedt district), as of November 1, 2024. This acquisition expands BALANCE's portfolio to 42 plants and increases the total thermal combustion power to approximately 192 MWFWL. This allows for the provision of climate-friendly energy to over 123,000 households in the future.

BALANCE's existing facilities in Oebisfelde, Satuelle, and Gardelegen in Saxony-Anhalt, as well as Benitz in Lower Saxony, are all located within 40 km of Grasleben. The acquisition enhances and consolidates BALANCE's plant network in the eastern Lower Saxony and northern Saxony-Anhalt regions. "This acquisition enables us to source substrates, utilize fermentation residue storage, and use silo capacities in close proximity to our existing facilities. These synergies are of great value to us. Another advantage of the plant is its extensive use of slurry and turkey manure for biogas production, providing additional alternatives to maize and making efficient use of residual materials," explains BALANCE Managing Director Volker Klinkert.

The five installed CHP units collectively provide an electrical output of 2.5 MWel (6.2 MWFWL). The CHPs operate flexibly, meaning electricity production can be adjusted to current demand. "The plant not only generates sustainable electricity but also climate-friendly heat, which is already extensively used in a regional district heating network," adds Klinkert. He continues, "We aim to leave a positive footprint in the region as a partner in sustainable circular and agricultural systems, while also strengthening local value creation."

BALANCE acquired the plant, which began operations in 2006, from the previous operating company Biogas Grasleben GmbH & Co. KG. All employees will be retained, and substrate deliveries from the existing agricultural suppliers will continue. The purchase price remains confidential.

"VNG is currently undergoing a transformation towards green gases. In this process, biogas, alongside hydrogen, plays a strategically important role. With the acquisition of the Grasleben biogas plant, BALANCE strengthens its leading position as a stable and reliable player in the renewable energy sector. I am pleased that BALANCE continues its growth in the biogas business while contributing significantly to the supply of climate-friendly and sustainable energy. Biogas stands out here, as it is the only renewable energy source that is locally available, flexible, and suitable for base-load energy supply," states Hans-Joachim Polk, Member of the Executive Board for Infrastructure/Technology at VNG AG.

Weiterführende Links:

Press release BALANCE

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Die Rech­te für die auf die­ser Sei­te ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Bil­der, Tex­te, Au­dio- und Vi­deo­da­tei­en lie­gen, wenn nicht an­ders ver­merkt, bei Zukunft Gas e.V. Die Da­te­ien aus dem Pres­se­be­reich kön­nen mit Quel­len­an­ga­be für die re­dak­ti­o­nel­le Be­richt­er­stat­tung ver­wen­det wer­den. Die Nut­zung bzw. der Ab­druck ist ho­no­rar­frei. Bit­te las­sen Sie uns bei ei­ner even­tu­el­len Nut­zung ei­nen Be­leg zu­kom­men.

Jeg­li­che an­de­re Nut­zung ist nur nach vor­he­ri­ger schrift­li­cher Ein­wil­li­gung von Zukunft Gas ge­stat­tet.

Die be­reit­ge­stell­ten Da­tei­en sind nach bes­tem Wis­sen und Ge­wis­sen er­stellt. Un­ge­ach­tet des­sen über­nimmt Zukunft Gas kei­ne Ver­ant­wor­tung für aus der Nut­zung der Da­tei­en ent­ste­hen­de Schä­den.

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